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Reflective Commentary - Bitsy Game


Bitsy Game Maker is a web-based program used to create 2D pixel games and the program itself was created by Adam Le Doux. The most recent version (the version used for my game) was released on the 16th September, 2019. 

Although the program is very basic, with some time and effort it is possible to make some relatively complex games.


Through my game, I attempted to highlight how nuclear warfare has no winners. Heavily featured is the fact that nuclear weapons are unpredictable and will likely cause unintended casualties. I feel as though this message is presented clearly. However, the other message I wanted to portray was that through the use of nuclear weapons, we are hindering our ability to progress as a society. The technology and resources could be utilised as energy rather than weaponry, and would be cleaner and far more efficient if used properly. Unfortunately, this message is not at all suggested in my story. 

The game is a platformer, so rather than looking down onto the world, the perspective is from the side. I opted for this design as I felt I could make the game’s design far better looking.


I received some feedback for the game, and the most well-received aspect was how the game looked due to both the transitions between rooms, and the design of those rooms.

Personally I am quite disappointed with how the final version turned out to be. I was hoping for it to be a fair amount longer and to tell both of the messages more effectively. I believe this is due to how I underestimated the length of time it took to draw the designs of the rooms, and subsequently did not allow myself enough time to develop the game to the standard I aimed for.

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